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£9.99 per month

(Billed Monthly - recurring)

Access to our HUGE database of over 350 tutorials with at least 4 new videos a month.

PLUS 5% permanent shop discount.

PLUS access to the forum.

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Includes FREE access to PRO Tutorials.

25% Cheaper


£89 per year

(Billed Yearly - recurring)

That's just 24p a day or £7.20 a month.

Get the same access as monthly membership but for over 25% less over the year.

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Includes FREE access to PRO Tutorials.



(One off single payment)

One off payment for access to all existing and future videos and all PDF tutorials for LIFE.

You pay once ONLY for permanent access.

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Includes FREE access to PRO Tutorials

Where do our members login from?

All over the world. We have members from 63 different countries as shown on this map in blue.

Do I need to know anything to join?

No. We will show you everything you need to know.

Can I cancel any time?

Yes. We do not have contracts so you can cancel anytime to stop future payments.

How many tutors teach at Pretty Witty Cakes?

We have around 40 cake experts from around the world who teach online classes with us.

Can I contact you to ask questions?

Yes we are always here to answer questions via email or phone.

Map of World

When can I access videos?

24/7. They are always accessible and people are always on the forum if you have questions out of hours.

Will you film a topic if I ask?

Yes, we keep a list of requested videos and aim to film them all.

We are always happy to answer any questions.
If you have membership questions feel free to contact us anytime at [email protected]



Get access to all our free videos.

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£9.99 per month

(Billed Monthly - recurring)

Access to our HUGE database of over 350 tutorials with at least 4 new videos a month.

PLUS 5% permanent shop discount.

PLUS access to the forum.

Join Now

Includes FREE access to PRO Tutorials.

25% Cheaper


£89 per year

(Billed Yearly - recurring)

That's just 24p a day or £7.20 a month.

Get the same access as monthly membership but for over 25% less over the year.

Join Now

Includes FREE access to PRO Tutorials.



(One off single payment)

One off payment for access to all existing and future videos and all PDF tutorials for LIFE.

You pay once ONLY for permanent access.

Join Now

Includes FREE access to PRO Tutorials

Want to Know More?

Our dedicated team are here and waiting to help you out whenever you need us. Take a look at our " How Does It Work? " section or Get In Touch with us at any time with questions both before and after you register. We would love to help!